My 10 Favourite Books of 2022
2022 was a year of exploring how be healthier, happier and more productive in my day to day, and the books I’ve read have reflected this. Here are my 10 favourites.
First (and failed) attempt at minimalist hiking
Don’t bring an electric toothbrush, but for the love of God, please bring the matches. Those are two of the many hard earned lessons from our first and failed attempt at minimalist hiking.
Seven questions to figure out what really matters
What is standing in the way of my musts? When did I give so much meaning to my possessions? What is truly important in my life? Why am I discontented? Who is the person I want to become? How will I define my success? How will my life improve if I own less stuff?
How to live in a family of 8 billion people?
Today, on November 15th 2022, the era of 7 billion people is over, after just 12 years, and we now share the planet with 8 billion others. This brings with it massive challenges, both social and environmental, but also possibilities.
Surviving as a minimalist in a cluttered home
Have you ever been frustrated about the mess of others? As an extreme minimalist, even a normal amount of items feels like a mess. Here are my survival methods, when surrounded by possessions.
Internal clutter and invisible planets
Four years ago, I stumbled upon minimalism. Minimalism seemed to be the answer to everything. All I had to do was to get rid of my belongings, and the space they left open was immediately filled by inner peace. For a while…